My blog

Ma Philosophie

Ma Philosophie

To become who I am today, I followed and acted upon these little verities:

●    We are each responsible for all of our experiences. (It is hard to believe but it is true).
●    The point of power is always in the present moment.
●    Every thought we think is creating our future.
●    Everyone suffers from self-hatred and guilt.
●    The biggest fear of everyone is “I am not good enough”.
●    It is only a thought, and a thought can be changed. (An effort is required).
●    We created illnesses and conditions in our bodies.
●    We MUST release the past and forgive everyone. (Letting go is easier than you think it is).
●    We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves.
●    Self-approval and self-acceptance in the NOW are the keys to positive changes.
●    When we really LOVE ourselves, everything in our life works.
●    We MUST invest in ourselves. (Great results come with great work, investments, efforts and sacrifice).
●    We MUST forgive ourselves.
●    We need to learn not to question the intentions of others, this helps to avoid hurt.
●    We must express our emotions (both negative and positive).
●    We must say “I love you” to those who we love.
●    We must be kind.
●    We must be GRATEFUL and APPRECIATIVE.
●    We need to remember our own greatness to be able to see it in others.
●    We need to smile and laugh as often as possible.
●    We need to remember that the key to our Kingdom is always in our hands.
●    We must be willing to give and have the grace to receive. (Be it love or anything else).
●    We need to go from our head to our heart. (The longest and hardest road).

This is my daily reminder of why I am on this planet.
Stay blessed,
Oksana Roma
2022-07-04 16:00